Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Health and Saftey

The genre of horror usually means that there is lots of running and stunts. To build tension and pace in our trailer, we had to involve numerous running shots. In winter weather, when the ground is wet and muddy, running provides a health hazard. Therefore our actors were equipped with boots and were prepared for any falls they may experience. It also helped that our main actors were all over the age of 18, thus meaning we did not hold responsibility over their welfare. Another health risk we dealt with was the hanging body. We had Charlie climb into a tree and sit on a branch so we could film his legs, meaning that there was the risk the branch beneath him could snap. We made sure that the branch we selected was sturdy and that Charlie was still able to jump down safely if the branch were to break while still creating the illusion of a dead body.
One health risk that sat high in register was when our actors handled a large knife. We made sure to stay alert during these scenes and ensured the knife was in a safe place between shots, and also made sure that handling the knife was done safely.

We also filmed young children for our trailer. We had the parent sign a model consent slip for us and stayed with us during the filming of the children to help explain what we needed them to do and to make sure that they were safe from harm.