Thursday, 10 September 2015

Starting off - Moodboard

At this starting point, my group came together and we discussed our aspirations, both for this year and the future, and skills that we are bringing to the course. We shared thoughts and ideas on our preferred genres, all of us wanting to avoid cliche horror or social realism, and also shared camera shots we would love to use.

Discussing further, Charlie told us about a friend's farm and the hill there. The hill has a factory behind it and thus light shines over the brow of the hill, making an eerie setting.
We therefore decided that we want to incorporate a shot involving a silhouette on the top of the hill in our film trailer. We also agreed on wanting to use interesting arc shots, like those used in American Horror Story, and also shots down an infrared camera on a rifle.

The pictures in my moodboard have particular purposes. Scenes from 'The Girl Who Played With Fire', 'Witness', 'The Bourne Identity' and many Nordic Noir series use similar colour palettes and locations; rural farm settings, washed out or high contrast and lighting, blues and orange colours. I chose two camera angles I'd really like to use as well, being a Dutch angle, such as the one used in 'Girl Crazy', and an extreme close up. The extreme close up comes from watching a short film called 'Unwind', based on the book by Neal Shusterman. I love the ambiguity of the identity of the girl in it, the viewer only seeing her eyes but able to pick up on the panic and distress. I also love the blue colour scheme, linking with our colour palette ideas.